Welcome to the Insights page, a source of valuable information to empower women in the workplace. Here, I share my thoughts, lessons from coaching sessions with some amazing women and research findings that impact women in their professional life.
I hope these posts will provide you with inspiration and guidance or maybe even a sense of outrage at some of the injustices women face. They will be updated weekly so do come back and read more as they grow.
Whatever your reaction insights are mean to be shared and I want to hear from you. Whether you have a burning question, personal anecdote or just want to delve deeper into a topic then please reach out and talk to me.
Send me an email, connect on LinkedIn or book some time to talk.
Getting to Grips with Office Politics
Being able to navigate your way around the office politics is critical if you want to progress your career. Here are some thoughts about why women find it difficult and how you can do it in an authentic way