Our game-changing, 1-2-1 coaching programme that empowers you to make your unique mark as a leader. Supporting your journey to your best and most fulfilled self, living and leading to your maximum potential without compromising on what matters.
If you are “all-in” on having the career you want, in a way that works for you - as you - then this is the programme you need.
Designed to help you honour your professional and personal goals from a place of joy, energy and balance, avoiding overwhelm and burnout.
Counter-Shift is for you if:
you are fed-up with leadership development programmes that promote a traditional, masculine route to the top and make you feel like you have to "play the game" of competition, single-minded focus and hustle in order to succeed.
you want to expand, not shrink, who you are: build on your innate capabilities, core strengths and true nature (feminine and masculine) to make your impact, achieve your vision and contribute to your organisation from the very top.
you are ready to define and live your senior executive story in a way that inspires, motivates and resonates for you and the people you lead. Determined to forge an uplifting path that demonstrates what is possible when we find and hold true to ourselves.
you are ready to let go of "superwoman", juggling your “perfect” work and home life, exhausted by the weekend and wondering if the personal sacrifices may be too much. Whatever your personal and work circumstances: family, part-time working, major breadwinner, you want to make it to the top without guilt, shame or feeling disadvantaged by gender.
Counter-Shift means you don’t have to navigate these incredibly challenging things alone. I walk your journey with you, always on your side, challenging, supporting and rooting for your success.
What is involved:
A 60 minute onboarding call to discuss your needs and intentions from the programme
a 1-2-1 coaching questionnaire
worksheets and resources for all coaching sessions, including your leadership power-type profile
12 hours of coaching (6 - 8 sessions) over nine months scheduled to suit your need, workload and schedule
a summary email detailing the key findings from each session
email and WhatsApp access to Kathy throughout the programme
invitations to free group mastermind classes when available
a bonus follow-up session 6-8 weeks after completing the programme.
What will be different:
you start to live the life and career you imagined was possible before you stepped onto the corporate treadmill and began to conform to other people’s expectations of who you are and how you should behave
work continues to be a full-on mix of demanding, exciting, varied, frustrating and rewarding but now you experience that from a different, more grounded place and navigate it with ease, enjoyment and a true sense of self.
you model the type of leader you now know you always wanted to be, prioritising your own needs and pulling on a wider range of soft power types: courageous, independent, wise, confident, inspirational, empathetic, fair, visionary and decisive.
What people are saying
“Thank you so much for everything Kathy, this is the first time I have started a new role, and not felt judged or worried about what others think of me. I am happy (and successful) and this is down to the work that we did together. I will always be grateful and I can't thank you enough.”
- Lydia L